What kind of compounds are soluble

Oxides are the most common example. Water breaks the ionic bond by hydrogen bonding, as, water itself has a more ionic bond and polar in nature. Many other solvents such as kerosene and petrol are not capable of breaking the ionic bond. Hence, can not dissolve them, and they all have covalent bonds and which are non-polar in nature.

Electrovalent compounds dissolve in polar solvent like water because the forces of attraction between positive and negative charges become weak in water. But since covalent compound are made up of molecules, they do not ionize in water and hence do not dissolve in water.

Ionic compounds and polar covalent compounds will dissolve in water. Nonpolar covalent compounds will not. Potassium carbonate K2CO3 is a white salt, soluble in water insoluble in ethanol which forms a strongly alkaline solution.

It is a white salt, which is soluble in water. It is deliquescent, often appearing as a damp or wet solid. Potassium carbonate is mainly used in the production of soap and glass…. Potassium carbonate. Barium sulfate is a metal sulfate with formula BaO4S. Virtually insoluble in water at room temperature, it is mostly used as a component in oil well drilling fluid it occurs naturally as the mineral barite. It has a role as a radioopaque medium.

It is a barium salt and a metal sulfate. AgNO3 is very soluble in water. This means water molecules, because of their polar nature, can separate the silver ions from the nitrate ions. Silver bromide AgBr , a soft, pale-yellow, water-insoluble salt well known along with other silver halides for its unusual sensitivity to light. The chemical is both odorless and white as well as hygroscopic, meaning it readily absorbs water and moisture from the air.

Due to this, it is easily soluble in water at a rate of All are white solids. The anhydrous material is hygroscopic, quickly forming the hexahydrate upon standing in air. The solubility of a given solute in a given solvent typically depends on temperature. For many solids dissolved in liquid water, solubility tends to correspond with increasing temperature.

As water molecules heat up, they vibrate more quickly and are better able to interact with and break apart the solute. The solubility of gases displays the opposite relationship with temperature; that is, as temperature increases, gas solubility tends to decrease. In a chart of solubility vs.

Pressure has a negligible effect on the solubility of solid and liquid solutes, but it has a strong effect on solutions with gaseous solutes. This is apparent every time you open a soda can; the hissing sound from the can is due to the fact that its contents are under pressure, which ensures that the soda stays carbonated that is to say, that the carbon dioxide stays dissolved in solution. The takeaway from this is that the solubility of gases tends to correlate with increasing pressure.

For example, a polar solute such as sugar is very soluble in polar water, less soluble in moderately polar methanol, and practically insoluble in non-polar solvents such as benzene. In contrast, a non-polar solute such as naphthalene is insoluble in water, moderately soluble in methanol, and highly soluble in benzene.

To conduct electricity, a substance must contain freely mobile, charged species. Most familiar is the conduction of electricity through metallic wires, in which case the mobile, charged entities are electrons. Solutions may also conduct electricity if they contain dissolved ions, with conductivity increasing as ion concentration increases. The electrostatic attraction between an ion and a molecule with a dipole is called an ion-dipole attraction. These attractions play an important role in the dissolution of ionic compounds in water.

When ionic compounds dissolve in water, the ions in the solid separate and disperse uniformly throughout the solution because water molecules surround and solvate the ions, reducing the strong electrostatic forces between them. This process represents a physical change known as dissociation. Under most conditions, ionic compounds will dissociate nearly completely when dissolved, and so they are classified as strong electrolytes.

Let us consider what happens at the microscopic level when we add solid KCl to water. Ion-dipole forces attract the positive hydrogen end of the polar water molecules to the negative chloride ions at the surface of the solid, and they attract the negative oxygen ends to the positive potassium ions. The reduction of the electrostatic attraction permits the independent motion of each hydrated ion in a dilute solution, resulting in an increase in the disorder of the system, as the ions change from their fixed and ordered positions in the crystal to mobile and much more disordered states in solution.

This increased disorder is responsible for the dissolution of many ionic compounds, including KCl, which dissolve with absorption of heat. In other cases, the electrostatic attractions between the ions in a crystal are so large, or the ion-dipole attractive forces between the ions and water molecules are so weak, that the increase in disorder cannot compensate for the energy required to separate the ions, and the crystal is insoluble.

Such is the case for compounds such as calcium carbonate limestone , calcium phosphate the inorganic component of bone , and iron oxide rust.


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